Art as Social Practice

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Art as Social Practice

16:00 CEST

On-line event

Ac/kademie #4

With Homing (Charlaine Reval & Laura O’Neill), Ratu R. Saraswati, Bert Scholten, Aimée Zito Lema, Elisa van Joolen and moderator Elke Uitentuis (Rijksakademie).

Ac/kademie #4: Art as Social Practice focusses on recent projects by Rijksakademie residents and alumni that came about in collaboration with the Rijksakademie workshop for social practice. The workshop encourages collaborative practice and enables artists to build stronger connections and dialogue in the Rijksakademie’s local context, Amsterdam East, and beyond.

Artists are increasingly working outside the framework of the established art world, and searching for a meaningful role within a social context. They work with individuals or groups on projects where the end result is not necessarily physical work, but a critical intervention, a debate or a social exchange.

The programme will be opened by Elke Uitentuis, workshop specialist Social Practice (Rijksakademie) with an introduction into the Social Practice workshop. Afterwards, Homing (Charlaine Reval & Laura O'Neill), Ratu R. Saraswati, Bert Scholten, Aimée Zito Lema and Elisa van Joolen present their recent projects developed in conjunction with the Social Practice workshop, some of which were realised in collaboration with art space Framer Framed. This will be followed by a panel conversation moderated by Elke Uitentuis.

The presentations and conversations will take place at the Rijksakademie and will be livestreamed on Zoom and Vimeo.

Homing is an arts and educational collective, between behavioural psychologist Charlaine Reval and Rijksakademie alumnus Laura O’Neill (RA 17/18). Their ongoing investigations and projects focus on collaborations with local and global communities, where the relationship between nature/human/technology is key.

Ratu R. Saraswati (RA 20/22)
Rijksakademie resident Ratu Saraswati examines the nature of human aggression and reparation. In her practice, she attempts to find an equilibrium by actively sensing and anticipating within the frame of performativity. In the process, she investigates collective resolutions to heal psychological wounds through attunement with other living beings in the landscape she inhabits. While inviting the interpersonal values of art, she thoroughly observes the archive of the everyday by unfolding the intersection of personal experience and collective narratives amid today’s increasing intolerance.

Bert Scholten (RA 18/19)
Rijksakademie alumnus Bert Scholten is often called a contemporary troubadour. In his work he resorts to a tradition in which songs were a means of spreading stories. Scholtens songs, with titles as ‘De Paardenmishandelaar’ (The Horse Abuser), ‘De Gefrustreerde Metropolitaan’ (The Frustrated Metropolitan) or ‘Mina Koes’, find their origin in old folk stories or local news items, often from the Northern Netherlands. Scholten investigates these stories and traces the different versions that often exist. In his performances he carries out the lyrics with instrumental accompaniment.

Elke Uitentuis
Elke Uitentuis (JVE 13/14) is a visual artist, human rights activist and mother. From 2005 until 2013 she was part of the artist duo Osterholt/Uitentuis. In 2013 Uitentuis became involved with the ‘We Are Here’ refugee collective. Together they set up a school for refugees and several art projects. Currently she is part of ‘We Sell Reality’, a collective consisting of undocumented and documented artists. The team develops products and presentations providing insight into the lives of undocumented refugees. The collective has exhibited at Amsterdam Museum, Framer Framed and Kunsthal. In 2021 she joined the Rijksakademie as workshop specialist for its newly established Workshop Social Practice.

Aimée Zito Lema (RA 15/16) and Elisa van Joolen (JVE 19/20)
Rijksakademie alumnus Aimée Zito Lema is a visual artist engaging in her practice with questions around social memory and the body as an agent of resistance, making uses of photography, sculptural installations, performance and moving image.
Elisa van Joolen’s approach to clothing design is characterised by strategies of intervention and reconfiguration. Elisa’s projects often reflect specific social contexts and emphasise collaboration and participation. They expose relational aspects of clothing and subvert processes of value production. In addition to running her own studio she is co-founder of Warehouse, a place for clothes in context in Amsterdam.

Zoom (password: 115648) or Vimeo

Kuvat: Sean Kuhnke

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